The ultimate purpose of my art is connection, both with the outside world and within myself. I am an introvert who experiences extreme anxiety as well as a woman living with a chronic illness, so there is some spiritual angst to deal with and art is the best way, perhaps the only way it can be done. By constructing ideas visually, I am able to open up to others and myself in a way I cannot express through words. Art is a daily ritual that aligns my soul with the present and brings a sense of peace to my life, particularly when I am feeling uncertain and unable to sort out my inner dialogue.
I enjoy creating visual stories and work intuitively with my materials, allowing pencil, paint brush, etc. to fabricate the mood. Through the stimulation of color, brush strokes and gestural lines, the audience is able to meander slowly through the work, allowing them time to study it thoroughly and interpret it through their own creative lens.
I use surreal landscapes and figures as metaphors for my themes which often explore anxiety, isolation, vulnerability. I use observations of my surroundings to make connections between the outer turbulence of our environment with the inner turmoil of the human mind and body. I combine elements of chaos with peace and beauty to bring balance and reflect the idea that life has its pain and pleasure and one must experience both in order to understand either.